Acclaim for member of Fiction Writing
One of their members (Greg Duncan) features on the front page of Swanage News click the following link to read the article.
Historical novel by Purbeck writer inspired by freedom fighter aunt
His book "Champagne in a Broken Teacup" is available on Amazon.
In the spring of 1940 recently married Marie-Claire was blissfully pursuing her career as a freelance artist in Paris. She had no idea that in early May Hitler's armies would invade France and rip her life apart.
The story follows her life as tragedies strike and she is forced to flee Paris to escape from the Gestapo. Using a false name and identity she begins a new life in the small provincial French town of Nevers. She finds unexpected inner strength as a resistante but her previous life in Paris catches up with her.
Although this is a fictional story woven into historical reality, it was inspired by the activities of his French aunt, an art teacher, who during World War 2 was a document forger for the French resistance.
Science & Technology Group
The Science & Technology Group (now 148 members strong) has a dedicated website for all S&T Group News and future monthly presentations at (or search “PU3A tech” on Google).
The S&T Group, which welcomes new members, has its monthly meetings on the third Wednesday morning each month and the subject of future talks by Guest Speakers is shown on the Programme page of our website and is tabulated below. Take a look and you are very welcome to come along to join us at Harman’s Cross Village Hall.
Meetings Start at 10:00 am on the 3rd Wednesday most months in Harman's Cross Main Hall (and we livestream on Zoom). Meetings end at about midday.
Entrance Fee: £2 - Non-members Welcome.
Programme for early 2025:
15 January: Nuclear Accidents & Contingency Planning
19 February: “Keep calm - I’m an Air Traffic Controller!”
19 March: The Science of Golf
16 April: Phil Judkins: Showing of “Echoes of the Past - Early Radar in Dorset” (This meeting will be open to all U3A members) *
21 May: Cyber Awareness: Internet Scams & Phishing threats
* The Echoes of the Past presentation on 16th April 2025 will start with John screening his 65 minute feature length documentary currently on Amazon Prime, followed by a discussion with Dr Phil Judkins who is one of the two presenters in his film. In view of previous interest being shown in this local piece of history, the whole PU3A membership is invited to attend this presentation.
S&T have a frequently updated website which is full of information, so please take a look by clicking HERE for its Menu tabs and see the Next Meetings page for details of forthcoming meetings.
Singing Group Christmas
On 18th December, the Singing Group performed a concert of Christmas songs and carols for the residents of Pine Martin Grange Care Home in Sandford, Wareham. Under the direction of Paul Martin, who accompanied throughout on keyboard or accordion, the singers sparkled through festive favourites such as ‘Jingle Bells’, ‘Winter Wonderland’ and ‘Walking in the Air’, as well as a number of Christmas carols including ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’ and ‘Silent Night’. The performance ended with ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ before requests were taken from the audience for any favourite carols.
Further gigs are planned in 2025, and new members are always welcome. The group meets on the first and third Wednesday in each month, from 2.00 to 4.00 pm at Carey Hall, Wareham. Further details from:
New Photography Group

Speaking Shakespeare
This new group is meeting at Stoborough Village Hall
Speaking Shakespeare has had a great start. And will recommence after the Christmas break on Monday 13th January for 10 weeks with a break at half term. They will continue to look at Shakespeare’s plays, using Romeo and Juliet as a starting point.
Patchwork & Quilting Group
Yummy Cream Tea!!!
Matisse Art Appreciation Group
The Art Appreciation Group had a practical session last November, having watched and discussed a video on the life of Henri Matisse.
It was a fun session, and they hope to do another practical session on another artist in the future. Here are some pictures of their creations.
More Congratulations for Fiction Writing Group
Caron Parrett is another member of the very successful Fiction writing group and with entries from all over the country, was one of the 17 finalists in the National u3a Short Story Writing Competition for 2024. Click HERE to read her story called “Maureen”.
This follows on from the success of Gill Calvin Thomas with the publication of her book called, ‘Vex Not Her Ghost’, available from Amazon.
They are both well written and a good read. They are certainly a talented bunch and if you would like to try your hand at writing you would be more than welcome to join them. For more information contact Caron:
PPQ Group Have Been Busy Again
Qigong Group
The next U3A Qigong 6-week Course will be TAIJI SHI - BASH
SET 1 comprises 18 postures providing the body with a gentle flexibility and increased mobility.
Fun and Games for Ukulele Group
The group has played a variety of gigs this summer and not all end up quite like Tolpuddle Fete. After performing they were asked to take part in ‘Tolpuddle Taskmaster’. There were lots of different tasks to complete and overall their two teams finished first and second and you can see the results of one task below!!
Garden Group

Boule Group BBQ
The Boule group had their annual Summer BBQ and it was a lovely enjoyable sunny day.
Lovely setting for the Painting Self Help Group summer meeting
In August, the group met in one of the member’s garden. It was a lovely sunny day to paint, eat cake and drink coffee.
PPQ’s Summer Project
The PPQ group made ' Infinity Scarves" which proved really popular. Patchwork isn't all about quilts and table runners! The scarves are plain on one side and any design of patchwork on the other. They are sewn in such a way that they twist and therefore each side is visible when worn.
Singing Group Perform at Wedding
The Singing Group meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month, from 2.00 to 4.00 pm, at Carey Hall, Carey, Wareham, under the direction of Paul Martin. There are no auditions and you don't need to read music - just have a love of singing! If you would like to come along for a taster session, please contact
Ukulele’s Entertain at Corfe Castle
Lovely Trip for Cycling Group
The Intermediate Cycling Group have been on trips away for 8 years now. We have just returned from this year’s, for which we decided to revisit St Malo where we went in 2017.
There were 19 of us on this trip, quite a handful to keep count of on the rides. Apart from those who were extending the trip and made their own way, most of the group took the Portsmouth – St Malo ferry, boarding on our bikes. We sailed there and back overnight and stayed two nights in a lovely little hotel, Les Charmettes on St Malo seafront. This gave us 3 days for cycling. The three rides, each about 25 miles, fell into place very neatly. The first day we went south, across the Rance tidal barrage, up the west side of the river, crossing it at Port Hubert and returning on the east side. The second day we took the passenger ferry to Dinard and cycled along the coast to St Briac and beyond, returning across country. The final day we went west, stopping at the natural harbour in Rotheneuf, then across country to Cancale, famed for its oysters and returned along the coast.
I think we can count the trip as a success. The Intermediate Group is a very sociable one anyway, but never more so than on these trips when eating and drinking features quite a lot. From my point of view the main achievement was not losing anybody, not good when most would admit to being extremely vague about the routes.
I would recommend trips like this to any U3A group which lends itself to them. The members get to know one another a whole lot better.
Steve Drew
Singing Group
The PU3A Singing Group continues to flourish under the leadership of Paul Martin, and they are always looking for new members to swell the sound. They meet on the first and third Wednesday in each month, from 2 to 4 pm at Carey Hall, Wareham. No audition is required, and you don't need to read music.- you just need to love singing!
Their repertoire is varied, including rounds, traditional songs, songs from musicals and more. They sing in unison, or in 2 or 3 part harmony.
Do come along for a taster to see if this is for you. We are particularly short of male voices.
Group Coordinator News
I hope you enjoyed the SummerBreak and are looking forward to the Autumn term with your group.
The Committee is always looking for updates and interesting activities within our existing groups to promote on our website. Indeed, where groups require new members to top-up existing numbers or start new groups (as we have recently done with cycling, french and latin), then the website is an excellent way of reaching out.
Do please send me a few lines in an email, outlining your groups’ activities and plans. I will gladly arrange for these comments to be promoted on the website. As you will have read in the newsletter, with new members joining each week, we are now at pre-Covid membership levels with over 50 interest groups for members to participate.
Many thanks,
u3a Group Coordinator
Meeting Points Potter
Meeting Points for February was a little different with an interesting and humourus demonstration and talk from retired GP Jonathan Easterbrooke on how he digs his own clay, processes it and then makes pots. He uses a pestle and mortar to grind up the clay, not your normal size as you can see from the picture.
Jonathan then demonstrated how to throw a pot using this very local clay. It is quite a long process to reach this stage but is very satisfying. There were lots of interesting questions from the audience.
PPQ Have Been Busy Again
A measuring frenzy has taken over, not that it’s competitive and it always seems to be the same end!!
National u3a News
Board Meeting: 21 February 2024
Summary Report :This was an online meeting. Main items discussed:
Please note that official minutes are the true record of discussions and decisions taken at Board meetings. This is a brief summary of the main topics discussed and should not be taken as an authoritative statement. If you require any further detail about any item, please contact your Trustee.
Interesting Cycle Rides For the Softies
During the lovely warm spells the softies have combined their coffee stop with a swim, paddle boarding and visits to the bookshop.
Purbeck Music Groups Performing Well
The UKULELE GROUP performed to great applause in a packed venue at the Swanage Folk Festival. It was great fun.
The GUITAR GROUP gave their first public performance at Holme Gardens to a very appreciative audience who thoroughly enjoyed it.
The AGM this year was well attended with people enjoying refreshments and chatting with friends, after which they were treated to a very enjoyable performance from the Guitar Group. They played a lovely selection and even had some harmonica thrown
The Cycling Softies Have Some Interesting Encounters On Their Rides
The PPQ group had some interesting quilts on show from a visiting speaker. Any members interested in joining, please click on the email to contact: Delia
Christmas Festivities for Groups
The Boule Group treated themselves to mulled wine and mince pies in the fresh air. It was one of the colder mornings they had played so was very welcome and maybe even improved some of the performances !!!
The Cycling for softies had their traditional ride to Shipstal point where cakes, mine pies and mulled wine were consumed before singing Christmas Carols on the beach. It must be the most spectacular spot for singing. The sun was out the water was sparking and it was good fun. Margaret trying to get 8 unruly people to play bells and have others guess the tune,,Well all I can say is that it is harder than it sounds !!
The Ukulele Group played several gigs over the Christmas period but Swanage Pier was barely above freezing and they could only manage 45 minutes before frostbite set in !!!
Changes to the Highway Code
Have you heard about the new changes to the Highway Code? The new code will be available to buy in April.
The Older Person”s Forum is providing free webinars to take you through the changes showing excellent video clips.
Should you wish to follow this site for details of new events and information there is a space to signup for email updates on the righthand side of the Home Page.
A small sample of information on their website:
Quick Guide leaflet for Dorset schemes
Road Safety web site
Relevant pathways for assessments if you are a medical practitioner
‘Cost Calculator’ to estimate how much it costs to run your car and how much you would need to spend on public transport
If you don’t have a medical condition which affects your driving then the forum recommend the following assessments: List of notifiable medical conditions
If you do have a medical condition that may affect your driving then see Wessex DriveAbility assessment
If you live in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Dorset, Wiltshire or Berkshire then why not have a look at the ‘Going Car Free‘ web site. You can additionally Contact them by: Tel: 02380 554100 E-Mail:
Dorset Driver Gold is aimed at people aged 65 years and over who have an interest in updating their skills and knowledge, want help in familiarising themselves with a new vehicle or simply want to gain confidence.
The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) Offer a number of courses to give assistance to the older driver, like the Mature Driver Review which is great in building confidence
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Offer an Experienced Driver Assessment. This is a one-hour drive in your own car with a RoSPA Assessor
Gerry Griffin
Group Leader, Advanced Driving